Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holidays are upon us

Cake was awesome! I never doubted it. oh that reminds me I bought a piece to bring to Dad, after I am finished here I will give it to him...
Holidays are upon us! Dad and I never do anything (yet known to the world) for the holidays but Star has a Christmas. later today we are going into the pine forest part of our land to get a load of branches to cover the living room, entrance room and all the hallways. It makes the house smell nice and look festive, at least that's what Dad says.
I was thinking that if I get a mass of followers reading my public diary(haha) I should tell them a bit about my town. It's small, in the middle of nowhere and has something of everything except a school, because there are only about 12 children, most of the population is over 40 and completely loonly... you can usualy find someone to teach your kid something.
I think it's time to go branch hunting.

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